Death’s a Real Mother
One night Death came to take a woman’s only son to the Underworld. Just as he was drawing back the boy’s blankets, Death spied a…
It’s Not OK to Punch Nazis… Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Alienating My Friends
Let me begin with the understanding that some of you will brand me a sympathizer, or tell me to check my privilege, or think that…
Posted On Writing
Shattered Gods: A Novel by Michael Diamond
It is with great pleasure I share news of Shattered Gods, the second novel in the “Mythos Division” series by my good friend, Michael Diamond.…
Radio Silence
It’s been over a year since I wrote anything in this blog space, and it occurs to me that I should make an effort to…
Posted On Poetry
New Poem: “In Winter”
In winter, our lives rearrange. The light shifts and we scratch away our mange. In winter, our days shrink. The light shifts and we have…
Posted On Poetry
New Poem: “Veils”
Veils Veils make the beautiful even more so and the ugly beautiful Obscuring flaws and highlighting perfection The gentle slope of a nose a…
Surrounded by Jackasses in America
The prairie dog’s bark echoed across the plain – a plaintive cry for me to break the rules and hand over some of my popcorn.…
y=mx+b or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Maths
Like many, I’ve long held the belief I’m “bad at math,” but as the spring semester at Rock Valley College winds down, I’ve learned this…
New Poem: “Black Cherry”
Yes, it’s about hair dye. Sort of. And yes, it was inspired by a certain Type O Negative song. Black Cherry She used to…

Darius McCaskey
Darius McCaskey is an author, poet, and musician from Rockford, Illinois.