It’s Not OK to Punch Nazis… Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Alienating My Friends
Let me begin with the understanding that some of you will brand me a sympathizer, or tell me to check my privilege, or think that…
Why Is This So Difficult For Them To Remember?
Lest we forget: Amendment I Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…
Getting Enhanced
There’s been a lot of hullabaloo recently over the “enhanced pat-downs” being doled out by the TSA. Some people, like Penn Jillette, think this amounts to…
Posted On Politics
Straight Eye for the Proposition 8 Guy
I, for one, hope that the ban on gay marriage in California remains overturned. I’m really looking forward to getting gay married. I’ve been straight…
OK, maybe Gatesgate is a bit of a stretch, but I thought I would opine on the state of race relations in the quiet white-…

Darius McCaskey
Darius McCaskey is an author, poet, and musician from Rockford, Illinois.